Melissa Maxwell


Melissa Maxwell

I received my teaching license from UNC Greensboro and have since taught for 11 years. I have a background in early childhood and working in special education. I have been a part of The Mountain Community School for 6 years as a parent and staff member. I am honored and excited to start a new chapter teaching Kindergarten here at TMCS. I am passionate about our small community and helping young minds and hearts grow.

Events Calendar

February 2025

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
  • East Henderson visit…
  • BB game away against…
  • BB game home against…
  • School Tour
  • 2nd Grade Field trip
  • 4th Grade Field Trip
  • 1/2 Day Staff Develo…
  • Open House for Prosp…
  • Middle School Dance
  • Girls On The Run sig…
  • No School Presidents…
  • 8th grade to Elkamet
  • Special Arts Club
  • Hoopla for Moolah!!
  • 3rd Grade field trip
  • School Board Meeting
  • Staff Lunch provided…
  • MTOS
  • MTOS
  • MTOS

Classroom FAQ

  • Ability to sit and listen for a short period of time,
    and wait for a turn.
  • An interest in books: being read to, talking about the pictures and characters,
    and retelling the story.
  • Experience in playing and sharing with other children.
  • Experience using scissors to cut paper and crayons and pencils to write, draw
    and trace.
  • An interest in counting objects like toys or rocks, noticing patterns (red sock,
    blue sock, red sock, blue sock), and sorting objects by size shape or color.
  • A broad vocabulary built through positive, meaningful conversations and
  • Ability to recognize letters of the alphabet, especially the letters in their name.
  • Practice in writing name.
  • Independently takes care of personal needs such as toileting, washing hands,
    zipping, and buttoning.
  • Ability to respect other’s personal space and keep their body to themselves.
  • Enjoys playing pretending or imaginary games such as playing store or playing
  • Experience running, hopping, kicking or catching a ball.

Here are the supplies we will need for Kindergarten. Thank you for supporting our classroom!

  • $35.00 – Academics
  • Also Needed
    Clorox Wipes
    Glue Sticks
    Lunch Box with Ice Pack
    No book bag (We are going to try something different!)
    Access to internet
  • Appreciated Supplies
    Paint sets
    Construction paper
    Washable markers
    Ziploc bags (gallon or quart)
    Have raincoats and boots for your child to wear to school on rainy days.
    Change of clothes in Ziploc bag in case of unexpected accidents.
    Label lunch boxes with child’s name.

There are lots of ways to prepare your child for the first day of school. Here are just a few tips:

  • Start your child’s school-night routine at a week before school starts to allow everyone time to adjust to an earlier bedtime and wake-up time.
  • Have your child get plenty of rest the night before school starts.
  • Make sure your child has time to eat a healthy breakfast.
  • Be calm and relaxed and positive about school. Your child will pick up on your mood!
  • Stash a change of clothing in your child’s backpack, just in case.
  • When it’s time for school to begin, give your child a happy, confident goodbye. Reassure your child that you will return. Don’t linger.

We Are Family
We will learn how our families are similar and different during the first part of our expedition. We will act as social scientists and gather data about our families. We will graph some of our data to make it easier to see it all at once and to analyze it. We will graph the type of homes we live in, the towns we live in, the number of people in our family and the favorite dinners of our families. We will gather data about how our families have changed over time by thinking about how the lives of our parents and grandparents are different from our lives today. We will gather data by interviewing our grandparents. We will share what we learned with each other and then write out one of the most important or interesting things that we learned. We will compare families past and present with a study of the pilgrims.

We will explore how our families are similar and different from other families in the second part of our expedition. We will focus on family celebrations and traditions around the world. We will have our maps, passports and suitcases ready! As we travel we will collect artifacts, taste food and make crafts representing the traditions of each place we visit.

Backyard Birds
Kindergarten will gain an understanding of what makes birds unique members of the animal kingdom. We will explore the types of bird adaptations, including beaks, feathers and feet. We will practice using observation of body shapes, relative size and feather coloring and markings to identify birds. We will gain an understanding of how birds’ adaptations help them survive and thrive in a variety of habitats. We will learn about how birds build nests and use songs to communicate.

Volunteer Opportunities
PIP – Parent involvement Points
(Three hours a month)

  • Working on the area outside our classroom.
  • Putting together blank books for writing.
  • Being a “Mystery Reader”.
  • Cutting material for sewing projects.
  • Chaperone on field trips and/or set up field trips
  • Help with classroom celebrations.
  • Work with children one on one.
  • Handymen (heavy stuff, hanging, painting, fixing).
  • Pick up materials from library, store, etc.
  • Share your talents, hobbies, skills.

Do you have a question or comment?

Contact me

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    Your Email (required)

    Your Student

    Grade Level

    Your Message