Jessica Freeman

Middle School Math - 6th Grade Social Studies

Jessica Freeman

Hi! The Mountain Community School is the reason why I became a teacher.  I love teaching and enjoy developing strong relationships with my students. It is a great place to be and I am so very happy.

I moved to Hendersonville, NC 10 years ago and it has been one of the best decisions I have made. I absolutely love it here! I am in my 16th year of teaching – 13 of 15 have been in middle school. I was born and raised in the state of Maine. I went to undergraduate school at the College of Charleston in Charleston, SC. Middle School is my absolute favorite to teach. I especially enjoy sixth grade and am very happy to be the sixth grade homeroom, math, and social studies teacher.

In my free time I enjoy running, hiking, walking, reading, going to the beach, and spending time with my family & friends. I also have a dog named Lottie who is the “middle school” dog. She comes to school daily and she LOVES it! She is 11 years old is super sweet and kind.

Below is a brief synopsis about the subjects I am teaching. I feel very fortunate to do what I love which is teaching middle schoolers. In class we will do a lot of learning, growing, and most of all smiling and laughing. Learning will be fun-even the lessons that can be boring; we will make them fun.

About Math: Growing up, Math was NEVER my favorite subject. I found it very hard at times to understand, especially in high school. I always had to work very hard to understand it and be successful. I think this is why I enjoy teaching math because I teach it in a way all students can learn. My class is designed for all students to succeed if they put forth effort, have a positive attitude, and not to give up. We will use technology and have as much possible hands on activities as we can. Students will keep a portfolio and math notebook. It is wonderful to have the students for three years-students learn to be more confident in their ability and take responsibility

About Social Studies: I am the sixth grade social studies teacher and I have taught the current curriculum for six years. I never get tired of it as I always learn new things and change things so it doesn’t become old to me. We will start with the Pre-Historic Age and then on to Ancient Civilizations. I incorporate technology in all the units so students will be able to explore these civilizations on their own through web activities linked through my online portal. Students will also keep a writers notebook for social studies.

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Classroom FAQ

I am the middle school math teacher and the 6th grade social studies teacher.  We follow the Common Core Standards for both classes.  All students in math will have a workbook called Common Core Coach.  For social studies we start with Pre-History and then move onto Ancient Civilizations.

Homework will be checked at the beginning of class on the due date. It is either a 100 or a 0. I am not grading necessarily on correct answers but am checking to see if their was effort, answers make sense, it is on time, and work is shown. I will not accept homework without work. Homework is self-corrected in class and if homework is not corrected it will negatively effect homework grade. If a students receives a 0, they can fix their work at home and bring it back in. Each day loses 10 points. Students receive a “Expectations and Reminders” on the first day I assign homework to review my homework policy.

I run a very routine and structured classroom. My expectations are also very clear which all helps to limit any discipline problems.  However, generally a students will get a warning and if I have to speak to him/her again they will have a lunch detention which means they have lunch inside in the hallway and are not allowed to talk to their peers.  If behavior is consistent then I will be in touch with the parents and/or the student may also have to call home too and explain their behavior.  This is very rare but it is also effective.

Expeditions are done as a whole middle school,  although components of it may be different for each grade level.  The Expedition we are focusing on this year is Surviving and Thriving.

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